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Web Link American Council on Science and Health

ACSH’s mission is to ensure that peer-reviewed mainstream science reaches the public, the media, and the decision-makers who determine public policy.  Our objective is to restore science and common sense to personal and public health decisions in order to foster a scientifically sound and sensible public health policy for the American people.

Web Link American Holistic Health Association

Endorsed by leading physicians and healthcare practitioners, the nonprofit American Holistic Health Association (AHHA) is unlike any other organization of its kind. Why? Because the information offered is free and impartial--and because we're supported by many contributors, not just one major sponsor. Which brings us full circle. Our contributors allow us to stay free and impartial, which enables us to stay true to our roots.

Web Link National Institutes of Health

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services   , is the nation’s medical research agency—making important discoveries that improve health and save lives.

Web Link WholeHealthMD is dedicated to providing the best in complementary and alternative medicine. All of our information is developed by a team of leading board- certified doctors and specialists.

Web Link WebMD

WebMD provides valuable health information, tools for managing your health, and support to those who seek information. You can trust that our content is timely and credible.

Shaun Jackson Stephanie Jones Raul Martinez Mark Moran Scott Worrich  

Jackson, M.D.

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Jones, M.D.

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Martinez, M.D.

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Mark A.
Moran, M.D.

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Worrich, M.D.

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