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Head, Neck and Facial Pain

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Web Link American Academy of Head, Neck and Facial Pain

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Web Link American Academy of Orofacial Pain

The American Academy of Orofacial Pain, an organization of health care professionals, is dedicated to alleviating pain and suffering through the promotion of excellence in education, research and patient care in the field of orofacial pain and associated disorders.

Web Link American Dental Association

The ADA is the professional association of dentists that fosters the success of a diverse membership and advances the oral health of the public.

Web Link Trijeminal Neuralgia Association

The Facial Pain Association (formerly The Trigeminal Neuralgia Association (TNA)) is a non-profit voluntary health organization, serving patients worldwide who suffer from neuropathic face pain, including TN, their families, and the physicians, dentists and healthcare providers who treat them.

Web Link TMJ Association

The TMJ Association, Ltd. (TMJA) is a non-profit, patient advocacy organization whose mission is to improve the quality of healthcare and lives of everyone affected by temporomandibular disorders (TMJD).

Shaun Jackson Stephanie Jones Raul Martinez Mark Moran Scott Worrich  

Jackson, M.D.

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Jones, M.D.

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Martinez, M.D.

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Mark A.
Moran, M.D.

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Worrich, M.D.

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